Sponsor our team!
 - Receive advertising space on our car, the ‘YAKsi TAXi’
 - A chance to advertise to millions across a third of the globe in a unique and high  profile event!
 - Publicity on our website and in our TV and newspaper interviews
 - Associate your company name with adventure, pushing boundaries, and worthy causes!
 - $1000  Become a Silver Sponsor (6’’x 8’’ ad)
 - $2500  Become a Gold Sponsor (8’’ x 12’’ ad)
 - $5000  Become a Platinum Sponsor (10’’x 16’’ ad)
 - We welcome other amounts and forms of sponsorship! Please help us out!
 - To get in touch with us, send an email to ysh ‘at’ mit.edu
A very big thank you to our sponsors so far!! Your sponsorship means a great deal to us, and has facilitated our participation in the Rally.